Monday, 10 October 2011

Game Mechanic Development


Walk - General moving speed inside buildings
Run - Less immediate control, camera shakes in relation to footsteps
Sprint - Motion/Radial blur, severe camera shake and difficult to maneuver, sprint for too long and your characters vision will begin to blur until you stop to regain your breath.

Crouch - Able to remain hidden behind waist hide cover.
Jump - Ability to jump over, across or upward.
Climb - Ladders or scaffolding.
Punch - Basic self defense
Kick - Basic self defense
Interact/Activate - Simple interaction with objects
Object Inspection - Allow the player to look more closely at an object all over.

Vision - Players vision will be affected by different environments (Foggy/Steam/Smoke/Blood spatter).
Map navigation - Simple map the player may use to navigate the world in (Hand held).


Free Running/Chase - Ability to move around obstacles with speed and efficiency. 
Listed moves : Vaulting, rolling, running, climbing, strafing and jumping. 

Maneuvering Objects - Depending on the mass of an object, the player may be able to either pickup or drag objects to help him (aka. blocking a door, dropping a table down stairs towards an enemy).

Photography - The player is able to record his findings using a digital camera. He can show these photos to certain NPC's as a means to further the story line (evidence).

Progressive Destructable Environments - Breakable doors, windows, hollow walls, furniture etc. and would break at realistic points or sections.

Progressive Injury - Untreated injury to your player will result in the player limping (affecting camera view) and will prevent him doing specific tasks as quick as normal.

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